Special Called BOR Remote Teleconference Meeting- June 1, 2020
Looks like the BOR has cancelled their June 5-6 retreat but surprisingly has called for a special remote teleconference meeting on Monday, June 1, 2020. What could the meeting be about? According to the agenda online looks like it comes down to 3 agenda items: https://v3.boardbook.org/Public/PublicItemDownload.aspx?mk=50378537&fn=agenda.pdf 1) Fall admissions update (will we be increasing our GPA and deleting the SAT/ACT requirement as posted in the Houston Chronicle to boost enrollment?) https://www.houstonchronicle.com/news/education/article/Texas-Southern-board-to-discuss-upping-GPA-15303928.php 2) Final Internal Audit report delivered to the BOR: What could be in the report that hasn't already been splashed across the local news in Texas? https://www.houstonchronicle.com/news/education/article/Texas-Southern-University-admitted-4-000-students-15302088.php?cmpid=gsa-chron-result https://www.texastribune.org/2020/05/28/texas-southern-university-gave-2...