
Showing posts from January, 2021

Faculty Senate HR Survey ongoing

Looks like the Faculty Senate is officially interested in the professionalism and competence (or lack thereof) of HR.  Below is an email sent out by the Faculty Senate.  We wish the Faculty Senate good luck on this very bumpy journey! Faculty Senate Transparency Committee Human Resources Department Survey      As voted on by the Faculty Senate during the November 2020 Faculty Senate meeting, a review of the Human Resource(HR) Department and departments under its direction(Payroll, Benefits, Retirement, etc.) is underway. As part of this process, the input of all faculty regarding experiences and interactions with the Human Resources Department and departments under its direction is sought. As State of Texas employees, TSU faculty members receive lifetime benefits that are overseen by the Human Resources Department. Therefore, responses to this survey will have a major, long-term impact on TSU faculty, family members, and other beneficiaries. Please ta...

Will the real Dean of SOPA please stand up?- Part 2

  Mysteriously however, months later Dean Kieh changed his mind and informed faculty he would conduct a national search for a permanent Associate Dean. We doubt that any university has ever even contemplated such a ridiculous idea.    This type of “search” seemed designed to deliberately keep Ewoh in power indefinitely as possibly a consolation prize for not getting the top job. We suspect that enormous pressure was placed on Dean Kieh to keep Dr. Ewoh on as Associate Dean when Dr. Ewoh’s supporters failed to convince King Lane to make Dr. Ewoh permanent dean.   More interestingly, rumors are that until April 2020, Kieh didn’t even have financial Banner access, a necessity for any Dean to be able to manage school finances. So who was signing all the documents from August onwards if not Dean Kieh? And why would Dean Kieh deliberately outsource his signature? Additionally, in at least 1 emailed instance, Dean Kieh informed the faculty member that Dr. Ewoh ...

Will the real Dean of SOPA please stand up?-Part 1

Dean George Klay Kieh is the current Dean of the School of Public Affairs (SOPA). He arrived at SOPA in August 2019 as the 5th Dean since 2009. Dean Kieh was the first Dean to be an outsider and not chosen internally. Dean Kieh has claimed that he was a political prisoner recognized by Amnesty International. Dean Kieh also applied for the SOPA Dean position at least twice and possibly 3 times before being hired. Notably Dean Kieh only had 1 year of experience as Dean prior to coming to TSU. Dean Kieh arrived on high hopes to straighten out the colossal mess left behind by the authoritarian regime of Dean Herrington who in one email to the entire faculty, directed that anonymous student evaluations be deposited into faculty personnel files, possibly as a method to terminate faculty, potentially a 6 th Amendment violation. However it quickly became crystal clear that Dean Kieh would not be any different than Dean Herrington and in fact, may have actually made things much worse for ...

BREAKING NEWS- Especial Board of Regents Meeting- January 11, 2021

 What could it be about?  We find out tomorrow!!

Another.....Presidential Search Committee announced!!

  TO:                      TSU Community  FROM:              Kenneth Huewitt, Interim President  DATE:               Tuesday, January 5, 2021  SUBJECT:       TSU Regents finalize Presidential Search Committee  _________________________________________________________________________________________________________   Texas Southern University’s Board of Regents, led by Chairman Albert H. Myres, has begun the selection process to determine who will be the University’s next president. The Presidential Search Committee, appointed by Chairman Myres, will be led by Regent Marc C. Carter. AGB Search,   a higher-education executive search firm based in Washington, DC,   has been recommended to assist in facilitating the process. “Texas Southern Univ...