Cronyism and BFF’ery at work again?
Transparency State has recently learned that the survey company- Precision Task Group –that has been given the greenlight to do the salary compensation survey for TSU for $302,255 on February 22, 2019 appears to have a previous potentially personal connection with King Lane. Precision Task Group is holding a Star Gala fundraiser for the Lone Star College Foundation on May 4, 2019 and the co-chairs are employees of Precision Task Group. The event is at the Woodlands Waterway at the Marriott Hotel & Convention Center. However, Transparency State was at the Board of Regents meeting on February 22 and some BOR members did ask the HR Director, Ms. Yolanda Edmund and Mr. Huewitt (VP of Administration and Finance/CFO) if there had been bids from other contractors. At that time, both of them admitted to the BOR that there had been a total of 4 bids but stressed that even though Precision Task Group may be more costly, they had necessary exper...