Why spend $302, 255 on a comprehensive compensation study?

In October 2018, the Faculty Senate pushed Faculty Senate President Cavil to go to King Lane and ask him for a faculty raise.  Lo and Behold after a ton of badgering, King Lane agreed to give us all a 2% ONE-TIME New Year bonus.    Emphasis on ONE-TIME.  What are we…..toddlers?
The issue we have at Transparency State is why does the King need to bring in an outside consultant?  Does he not trust the faculty and staff? 
More so, is someone getting a kickback on this study, i.e. there has been rumors for years that Board members who are unpaid for their service to the university find ways to enrich themselves either through lucrative family contacts in connection with university services or a personal stake in some company or a friend rubs their back, etc.  In fact, just about a year ago, one BOR member was forced to resign because of a financial conflict of interest.  There is precedent for our skepticism. 
We at Transparency State are NOT aware or have any evidence that a BOR member is connected in some way to this salary group or even that King Lane has any monetary connection but we are not comfortable with spending so much money without knowing if other bids had been placed and if so, why was this particular bid approved and not the others? 
King Lane has been at TSU almost 3 years now.  So….you’re finally getting to a study on faculty and staff salaries?  Why the delay…..you were too busy micromanaging dean search committees, firing deans after 7 weeks, and out shopping for your palace furniture? 
Finally, we believe that this type of tactic is simply another way to delay paying faculty and staff what they should be ethically and fairly be earning.  Come on…..Lane had 3 years already to deal with the faculty and staff salaries and we all remember Lane’s “Listen and Learn” tour of campus where salaries was a HUGE #1 issue.  Why did it take him so long to make this effort?    


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