Has Dean Kieh lost SOPA?

We wonder- will Dean Kieh be replaced very soon?  He seems to have completely lost control over his management and leadership of SOPA and needs to prove his authority and competence by screaming at faculty and staff.  

He also seems to have copied on the Provost, HR and General Counsel.  Kieh's own email ironically contradicts his own demand to prevent "mass emails" by CCing HR, Provost and General Counsel. 

Interestingly enough, Provost James Ward sent a similar email several years ago and was shortly replaced by then President Lane.  

We do wonder: Does history repeat itself at TSU?  We believe so.  

Thu 1/20/2022 10:48 AM
Dear Colleagues,
Warm greetings. I trust all is well.  I am writing regarding the continuing issue of sending emails En masse: Emails regarding various faculty and staff related issues have been sent to the members of the TSU Board of Regents,  President Crumpton-Young,  Provost Poats, Senior Associate Vice President for Human Resources and Payroll Services Edmond, and sundry individuals, who were not parties to the subject matters of the various emails. This continued practice of sending out emails En masse is a violation of the spirit of TSU's Email Policy, and established procedures and processes for addressing various faculty and staff related issues in the Barbara Jordan-Mickey Leland School of Public Affairs.  Importantly, as I have indicated, there are established procedures and processes for addressing various faculty and staff related issues.  In terms of the faculty, issues such as course assignment, and overload payment are addressed first at the departmental level, then at the level of the dean, and then the level of the provost. In addition,  for tenure and promotion issues, the process consists of the departmental level----department chair and departmental tenure and promotion committee----, the BJ-ML SOPA tenure and promotion committee, the dean,  the provost, the University Tenure, Salary and Rank Committee and the president.  Further, there are some issues that may involve the Office of Title IX,  the Division of Compliance and the Human Resources and Payroll Services Department. But, even in these cases, it is always important to first pursue and exhaust the remedies at the various levels within BJ-ML SOPA.  Similarly, staff members should first address an issue with their respective supervisors, then the dean, and then the Department of Human Resources and Payroll Services.  Significantly,  the various procedures and processes have embedded in them the right to appeal. Against this background, THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO NEED FOR ANY FACULTY OR STAFF IN THE BJ-ML SOPA TO VIOLATE THE VARIOUS PROCEDURES ANDPROCESSES, INCLUDING SENDING OUT EMAILS EN MASSE TO INDIVIDUALS AND ENTITIES THAT ARE NOT PARTIES TO THE ISSUE AT HAND. MOREOVER, THE ISSUE AT HAND CAN ONLY BE ADDRESSED, IF THE FACULTY OR STAFF MEMBER FOLLOWS THE PROCEDURES AND PROCESSES, INCLUDING THE RIGHT TO APPEAL .
Finally, the practice of sending out emails En masse has gone on for a very long time within BJ-ML SOPA, and has caused needless conflicts and tarnished the reputation of the school.  As I have stated repeatedly, my primary focus as dean is to lead the sustained efforts in making BJ-ML School of Public Affairs a world-class entity that promotes excellence in teaching, research and service. However, I am not oblivious to the fact that faculty and staff members may have concerns, including complaints. This is not unique to the BJ-ML SOPA, because conflict is inevitable in every human enterprise. But my insistence is that conflicts and their underlying grievances MUST BE ADDRESSED BY FOLLOWING THE ESTABLISHED PROCEDURES, PROCESSES AND POLICIES, INCLUDING THE RIGHT TO APPEAL.  FURTHER , THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO NEED TO INCLUDE THE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF REGENTS, THE PRESIDENT,  PROVOST AND OTHERS ON MATTERS THAT ARE WITHIN THE PURVIEW OF DEPARTMENTS AND THE SCHOOL, ESPECIALLY WHEN THESE TSU OFFICIALS AND OTHER INDIVIDUALS ARE NOT PARTIES TO THE ISSUE. THIS PRACTICE HAS TO END!  THUS, EFFECTIVE TODAY, THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 2022, EMAILS REGARDING VARIOUS FACULTY AND STAFF ISSUES MUST BE SENT ONLY TO THOSE WHO ARE PARTIES TO THE ISSUE, AND NO ONE ELSE-------NOT THE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF REGENTS, PRESIDENT CRUMPTON-YOUNG, PROVOST POATS OR ANYONE ELSE!  ANY ACTION TO THE CONTRARY WILL BE REGARDED AS A VIOLATION OF THE SPIRIT OF TSU'S EMAIL POLICY AND ESTABLISHED PROCEDURES AND PROCESSES REGARDING FACULTY AND STAFF MATTERS.  THUS, THE VIOLATOR WILL BE SUBJECTED TO THE APPROPRIATE DISCIPLINARY ACTION.
Thanks for your attention to this very important matter, and please stay safe.
George Klay Kieh, Jr.
Dean, BJ-ML School of Public Affairs


 Dean OF Barbara Jordan-Mickey Leland School of Public Affairs

Professor of Political Science

Office of the Dean

Office: 713-313-7827 | Fax 713-313-4896

Public Affairs Building, 415F

3100 Cleburne Street, Houston, TX 77004


Anonymous said…
Kieh needs to resign and step down already. Is this the same dean who has invited Senator Ted Cruz to TSU?

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