SOPA Dean search.....Un Deux?

On October 7, 2018 the Provost emailed SOPA faculty and staff that there is a new Dean search committee set up.  How these new committee members were chosen is a matter of consistent speculation among the SOPA faculty members as everyone is wondering what will happen on January 1, 2019 when Dr. Herrington will again head back into retirement wilderness after his contract ends.  You may remember the SOPA Acting Dean farce whereby Dr. Adams was booted out unceremoniously in the middle of the Spring semester and Dr. Herrington took office in April 2018 but was only confirmed by the BOR in August 2018.  How strange is that?.....How was Dr. Herrington's $100K plus salary authorized without BOR approval?
There is increased speculation about whether or not Dr. Herrington will actually leave his position or will his contract as Acting Dean be extended for another year while the Lane regime again tries to concoct a Lane-friendly dean search committee, so they can plug in the candidate of their choosing as King Lane seemed secretly displeased with the former Provost's Wilson's recommendation of Dr. Michael Adams from last year.
Speculation is also mounting as to who will be the next Interim/Acting Dean for SOPA if Dr. Herrington leaves.  The two front-runners seem to be a female and male professor.  Perhaps SOPA needs a female dean which hasn't happened since Dr. Greene's infamous 3 month stint as Interim Dean in Fall 2011 before being removed and replaced by the now former Dean Bullard.  Maybe a female Dean is exactly what the Boys Club in SOPA needs to chill the testosterone down and bring civility and calm to our university.  After all, it wasn't too long ago that a former chair in the AJ department violently slammed his office door in Dr. Greene's face and same former AJ chair banged his shoe a la Khruschev in a faculty meeting before jumping up and storming out in a rage.   Dr. Greene brought her complaint to the Faculty Senate for the door slam but they refused to do anything about it and instead referred her to HR.....knowing the ineptitude and stupidity of HR we can guess how that "investigation" likely went down.   
Let's also not forget Dr. Bullard's infamous "secret" and snarky email to Provost Harris in January 2018 full of allegations and accusations (all baseless lies and never proven) about the previous SOPA dean search committee and which was published in the Faculty Senate newsletter recently.  The boys haven't really grown up unfortunately.   
Let's hope that maybe for once, King Lane actually works in the best interests of all of TSU instead of his selfish and egotistical lust for micromanagement, vicious divisiveness and greed. We would like to continue to hope that President Lane realizes at some point like the former President Rudley, that we are all guests on this campus and like President Rudley, guests can always be asked to leave with a vote of no confidence.  We have had 8 presidents at TSU in the past 24 years after all.  There are stronger rumors each day that a faculty vote of no confidence is coming soon unless things change.  


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