An Impotent and Ineffective Faculty Senate President?

TSU has had a few morally righteous and aggressive Faculty Senate Presidents in our past but our latest Faculty Senate President Dr Javus Cavil has been quite clearly the least effective and the least faculty-caring among all the Senate Presidents.  He has been verified to have traveled with President Lane for events that a Faculty President does not need to go to simply to be able to enjoy the perks of free travel thanks to the Texas taxpayers.  However, this frequent flyer BFF nonsense isn't anything as serious as Cavil not respecting and responding to Faculty Senate requests regarding faculty pay increases and after much prodding from the Faculty Senate, Cavil finally went and spoke with King Lane.  King Lane responded as you all know by now by providing us with a one-time 2% payroll increase.   
The Faculty Senate has repeatedly asked Cavil to send President Lane a clear and unequivocal message that the faculty is not appreciative of being sidelined by King Lane's greedy desire to live in a $2.5 million mansion.  The Faculty Senate recently voted in October to push Faculty Senate President Cavil to go to King Lane and demand he start the process to make sure faculty salaries are raised in equity to what reasonable standards of income are.  King Lane just reportedly received a $34,000 performance bonus from the BOR, so he got his cut.....why not the faculty?  
Fair is fair Your Majesty. When will our salaries get in line with our compatriots at other universities? 
Finally.....Transparency State it time to replace Cavil?  Faculty Senate elections are coming up in April.  Transparency State supports a candidate who will work for Faculty best interests, not a paid-off BFF who is NOT working in the faculty best interests and long-term university policies. 


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