CONFIRMED- SOC Dean removed/resigned/terminated

In October we reported that there was a rumor that the School of Communications Dean- Dr. Odine- has been removed/resigned/terminated.  We are still sketchy on details but the rumor is now CONFIRMED- the SOC Dean has returned to his teaching duties and is no longer Dean of the School of Communication. We were able to confirm this change through a school-wide email on January 7, 2019 by the Provost informing of this latest development.
As mentioned, we are sketchy on exact details as to what happened for this Dean to leave their position for whatever official reason.  However, it's terrible leadership and awful management for the Lane regime to keep cycling and recycling deans (such as in SOPA and the law school) and setting up, closing and re-setting up dean search committees.
It harms and destroys employees morale, inhibits trust and accountability in our institution and ultimately will NOT benefit our most precious and valuable resource- our students.  King Lane needs to stop acting in such a whimsical and toddler-like fashion- sometimes we cannot get our way and need to acquiesce to the faculty and staff.  Sometimes, Your Majesty, you must listen to your faculty and staff concerns as to who will be the best dean possible.
We are not aware if this particular dean was chosen and liked by a majority of the faculty in SOC, however we are aware of at least one dean search committee whose candidate was chosen by the former Provost Bobby Wilson was then rejected by the President- reasons unknown and never explained- and cast aside.  Now this school has reopened the dean search committee all over again and replaced most of the committee members, throwing SOPA into confusion, chaos and more ill-will.  One can only speculate what's going over at the law school or the business school or the other dean searches on the campus.  We expect to hear more as the semester progresses.
Thanks again for all this chaos and stress, Your Majesty! 


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