SOPA Dean Search Finalized?

After many months of back and forth emails, secretive meetings in the dead of the night (we suspect!)it seems that the SOPA Dean search committee is finalized and the committee members are meeting or at least soon will be meeting this coming semester for another round of Dean search.  Recall that we have now had 5 SOPA Deans in 11 years.
Looks like all the members appear to be best buddies and cronies of the former Dean, Robert Bullard. Perhaps Dr. Bullard will re-apply and this whole search is a farce to bring him back as Dean even though he was fired by the King Lane upon his Majesty's arrival in June 2016? We shall see. 
In an interesting twist, all the 3 departments in SOPA (AJ, UPEP and Political Science) are NOT represented equally.  While AJ and Political Science are top heavy on the committee, for some reason there does not seem to be a single UPEP faculty member. 
One of the faculty members on the search committee has a joint appointment with both Political Science and Urban Planning but is this actually representing the Urban Planning department in the best capacity?  Quite possibly not.  One would think that after several emails to the Provost expressing a concern, he would respond but he hasn't responded to any emails from SOPA senators and faculty asking for Urban Planning to have at least 1 faculty member who is wholly ensconced in UPEP.   
If all 3 departments are not equitably and wholly raises the compelling this Dean search committee absolutely and completely legit? Moreover, will the Dean search committee's final decisions be accepted by the faculty, staff and administrators inside SOPA? 


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