CONFIRMED: Permanent Removal of Dr. Adams and Professor Robinson from the MPA program

It seems that the School of Public Affairs becomes messier the longer that Dean Kieh and Interim Associate Dean Ewoh remain in power.  It appears that based on a pretext of NASPAA accreditation guidelines Drs. Ewoh, Majumdar, Christophe and Oluponmile collectively voted to remove professors Adams and Robinson from the MPA program permanently

When questioned as to why these 2 senior and long-standing professors were removed from the MPA program, the 4 professors (all administrators) responded that they were following accreditation guidelines yet the accreditation guidelines do not prescribe an abrupt removal in the middle of the semester.  Moreover Interim Associate Dean Ewoh should not have been present in the meeting and voting against the 2 professors as he represents the Dean's Office and works as Interim Associate Dean.  Department and program meetings are understood to only have tenure and tenure track faculty members in attendance.  

We wonder: Does this actually mean that Dean Kieh also wanted to remove these 2 professors and told Interim Associate Dean Ewoh to attend this meeting and purposely vote them out?  

It is also worth noting that since Dean Kieh arrived at TSU in August 2019, he has NEVER attended a single Political Science department or MPA program meeting on a regular basis (he may have attended 1 meeting to introduce himself, but deans and interim associate deans do not attend department meetings so as to make sure to have an ethical distance to make wise and bias-free decisions). 

Yet somehow Dean Kieh appears to have decided to allow Interim Associate Dean Ewoh to attend Political Science and MPA department and program meetings, ostensibly acting as his "eyes and ears" to report back to the Dean regularly.  Interestingly, Interim Associate Dean Ewoh ONLY attends Political Science meetings; he has never regularly attended Urban Planning or Administration of Justice meetings either.  Yet again......why single out only Political Science department meetings to attend?    Unless there are some very specific professors that the Dean's office wants to remove?  But why? 

It also appears that if it hadn't been for Interim Associate Dean Ewoh's crucial deciding vote, both professors would have not be removed from the MPA program. 

More puzzling is that while the 2 African-American senior and popular professors were abruptly removed, it appears that a White male Assistant Professor who has only been at TSU for 1 semester was quietly inserted into the MPA program despite never having taught nor having a PhD in Public Administration.  Additionally, Dr. Jovita Eschie who is not a tenure track or tenured professor and has a Ph.D. in Urban Planning has also been added to the MPA program. 

It appears that both professors now have filed NASPAA accreditation complaints based on race and age discrimination.  

Why remove these 2 professors?  For what productive purpose does it serve and assist TSU and our students to remove these 2 professors?


Anonymous said…
thank you for your comment👍🏼
Anonymous said…
thank you for your blog👍🏼
Faba Fest said…
Thank you for sharing this informative article. This will be helpful to a lot of people.

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