CONFIRMED- President Lane buys $100K Houston Rockets tickets

It is now confirmed that it does appear that President Lane splurged $100,000 on Houston Rockets basketball team courtside seat tickets.  It is still unclear if this was money through the TSU Foundation or directly paid from TSU’s coffers.  A recent video from Fox News locally on the Isiah Factor has 2 TSU law school alumni discussing this purchase and asking what is going on at our law school.  We want to know what's going on also.  Please watch the video in the beginning of the article. 
Additionally, it is noteworthy that Isiah informs us that Fox News did reach out to the Lane regime to ask them if they would like to comment on the story, but no response from King Lane’s peeps.  All we can ask is…What exactly does a $100,000 view for the playoffs look like King Lane?  Be sure to wave to us peasants when the camera pans out and zooms in you wearing your Maroon and Grey.  You will be wearing Maroon and Grey right King Lane?


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