Another long time tenured professor fired/suspended?

Another tenured professor in the School of Public Affairs has reportedly been suspended for 30 days and the administration is moving to fire him soon. The professor’s supposed crime was to send out too many emails criticising Provost Harris’s disastrous decisions regarding the SOPA dean search committee mishaps.  Like all authoritarian regimes, King Lane’s minions do not like dissent and are afraid of too many good questions being raised by the few rebels still left in the shattered country we now call Laneworld. 
As a bonus to King Lane, due to this professor's unexpected suspension he has also been prevented from earning summer money through summer teaching. So the administration decided to break both his kneecaps, not just one. To send a message to him...or...for something else?  To send a not-so-subtle message to...?
We wonder- what exactly is the long term plan to unite the campus under King Lane.  Or is this the best plan he has come up with?  Crush dissent and intimidate others as long as he can  and then what King Lane?  What then? 


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