King Lane's "generous" 2% raise or a mandated raise?

Welcoming us back to campus we all found out faculty and staff would be receiving a 2% raise in our salaries.   The exact reasons were listed in an email sent out to the campus- "I am excited to share with you that the TSU Board of Regents has approved the administration's recommendation of a salary increase of two (2) percent for all full and part-time employees who meet the criteria..."
Wait.....hold on King Lane...according to other sources we find reliable and credible this is NOT a 2% raise by the BOR, this is a state mandated raise.
Which raises the question we all want to know.....Why are you and the BOR taking credit for this state mandated raise? Seems.....royally duplicitous to take credit for something you had no hand in doing. 
And now of course maybe that salary inequity raise we were all hoping for, needing and deserving will also be delayed even further or probably never happen. 
You all remember we "hired" Precision Group to do a study for salary inequity back in the Spring semester.  "Hired" being the operative word.  More on that study soon. 


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