Prediction #1- cash buyout negotiations ongoing

Looks like one of our predictions is already coming true- on Monday night, rumors on Twitter  surfaced that King Lane and his lawyer are secretly conducting negotiations through mediation to buyout and cashout the remainder of the King's contract with TSU.
As we predicted, King Lane finally woke up and smelled the coffee- you really cannot work with people you picked a fight with, lied to, complained to the media and tried to bully them into doing things which are unethical and possibly illegal, i.e. the BOR and others (tenured faculty, staff) who have been at TSU much, much longer than 3.5 years.
Going to the media or trolling on social media clearly doesn't work either especially when you have a 4 page detailed termination letter.  Rumors are adrift that the BOR must be sitting on a ton of very incriminating evidence that they are not going to release until they absolutely need to and will likely devastate any case going to court.  King Lane must be very aware of giant sticks of dynamite aka evidence as the investigation has been ongoing for almost 4 months now.
As we mentioned in our previous post on February 16, 2020, the smart thing for King Lane now to do is take the money and run.  Looks like he's finally decided to make the smart move.  Kudos to you King Lane.


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