Why is the General Counsel teaching at 4pm?
We support our students and we support efforts to provide diversity and the best knowledge to our students through the best choices for educators and professors. There is never anything wrong with university administrators teaching on our campus and making a little extra money ($5000 per each class-**estimated)
However, we are quite concerned that the General Counsel- Mr. Hao Le- our Chief Legal Eagle- is teaching a Business class in the School of Business (SOB) at 4pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays. A major concern is that this class is at 4pm on a working day, twice a week. As Chief General Counsel, Mr Hao Le already has a full plate: King Lane left him with a BIG MESS-
Additionally, this is a rather large class- a total of 39 students are registered for his class. That would mean conservatively almost 80 exams to grade (assuming a midterm and final exam, but possibly other grading criteria). We assume he would have some class participation grading as well as potentially "extra credit"? With his full-time job- can he adequately and competently deliver quality education?
Another concern is through the lens of non-bias: What happens if a SOB professor or Dean has some type of disagreement with the General Counsel and files an HR complaint or some other semi-legal/legal complaint that involves the General Counsel? Can the General Counsel teaching in SOB be truly unbiased and be able to recuse himself if need be?
What if there are student complaints and the Dean refuses to provide future classes to the General Counsel? Would the General Counsel be upset and retaliate in some way?
What about if one or more of the students are not happy with their final grades and decide to make a grade appeal? With a successful appeal process, the professor can be directed to re-grade the exam. Would the General Counsel honor the appeal process and regrade?
It seems that the General Counsel may not be the only top administrator who is teaching classes during daytime working hours however.