Incomplete Grade Change SOPA fiasco?

It appears that SOPA Dean Kieh and Interim Associate Dean Ewoh tried to enforce and make up their own Incomplete Grade Change policy for the Political Science Department only.  The new grade change policy required the professor to provide all exams including any revisions, syllabi and other graded work towards the Incomplete grade change.  However, no Incomplete Grade changes were sent out by the Provost or Registrar.  Neither the AJ or UPEP departments announced changes, yet somehow Interim Chair Majumdar sent an email informing the Political Science Department of the Incomplete Grade changes.  Why did AJ and UPEP not follow suit with their faculty members?

After a Political Science professor requested assistance from Provost Poats, Interim Associate Dean Ewoh then sent an email to Interim Chair Majumdar who then informed the Political Science Department the “evidence” required to change incomplete grades would no longer be needed.  

Yet questions remain- why did ONLY the Political Science Department change this policy and yet UPEP and AJ did not?  Also what was the purpose of these changes and necessary "evidence"? What is Interim Associate Dean Ewoh referring to "my observations" for decisions to change the policy on Incomplete Grade Changes?

Most importantly for all of us.....why is Dean Kieh allowing Interim Associate Dean Ewoh to set such major policy changes without any public faculty input at all?

As we discussed last year.....Will the Real Dean of SOPA please stand up?





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