Welcome to our new President-Kenneth Huewitt!

By now we have all heard the latest news about King Lane being placed on administrative leave pending an investigation outcome.  Details remain scarce but this fact is puzzling to us- why has King Lane informed the media that the vote to place him on leave was 5-4 when on the TSU website it states 7-1 (with one abstention)? 
Who is mistaken here regarding the number of votes against King Lane?  Or rather…..in who’s best interests does it serve to muddy the deeply troubled waters of the difficult and lengthy decision-making process of the BOR? 
Fortunately, the BOR has placed the final public vote on YouTube.  We are appreciative of this wise and transparent leadership decision from the BOR.  This will serve us well as we move to a new era of Honesty, Ethics, Accountability and Transparency, which we have decided to christen as the new H.E.A.T paradigm in the aftermath of King Lane's departure.  
The acronym HEAT will serve us well and especially for those administrators who need to feel the "heat" to do the right thing, i.e. be Honest, Ethical, Accountable and Transparent to everyone. 
We are beholden to our constituents- the taxpayers, students and alumni.  We are here to serve the public and make sure the next generation of Tigers and Tigerettes have the best possible educational opportunities with the very best TSU leadership.  
We commend the BOR for doing the right thing for our future survival as an HBCU and as a bastion of minority leadership for the South.   True leadership arises from difficult decisions, not easy ones. 
Finally, we want to extend our support & best wishes to the new Interim President, Mr. Kenneth Huewitt. We wish our new leader a successful Spring semester!


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