HBCU for sale.....SOLD!- Part 2

The Kochs have a very long history of being antagonistic towards African-Americans because they threaten the Good Ol’ Boys Club (White Men of Privilege). The Kochs’ do not believe in civil rights and have even been supporting Neo-Confederates teaching college students:

There is even a non-profit organization called UnKochMyCampus actively working against the Kochs:

The myopic and narrow-minded muppetry of the previous Lane administration appears to be  carried on blindly by the Huewitt administration. The Kochs are not friends of academic freedom, transparency, faculty rights and shared governance as has been made clear in their past universities lawsuits and their interactions with the media. The Kochs have been extremely successful in doing great harm to unions, teachers, civil rights, and liberal groups espousing such causes as LGBTQ rights, climate change policy, federal elections laws and public funding of education. Now they have set their sights on breaking up the last and increasingly weakened union- the tenured faculty.


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