HBCU for sale.....SOLD!- Part 3

In a meeting last year in 2019 February we wrote about previously:

Provost Harris insisted that SOPA is part of CJR and vice versa. But yet at the meeting at least 2 faculty members informed the provost that they were being denied opportunities to conduct research with CJR. It has so divided up one department -Administration of Justice -that rumors are there has been at least one lawsuit inside of AJ indirectly based on the moneyed influence due to Director Henderson.  There are rumors of 3 more lawsuits, 2 pending and 1 already filed possibly due in part to the influence of the poisonous Koch money (2 SOPA professor are being sued by another SOPA professor in a defamation of character and libel lawsuit). 

In AJ, at least 50% of faculty are CJR Fellows and despite at least 2 SOPA faculty requesting to work, Director Henderson has refused and has hired an outside faculty member from PVAMU (Dr. David Rembert) instead of working with TSU faculty.  

Open Records shared with Transparency State show that Koch Fellows may be getting paid as much as $30,000 a year in addition to their faculty salaries, not including those whom are also administrators- Dr. Baker and Dr. Drake (potentially having 3 sources of income from TSU and Director Henderson may also be teaching adjunct).  Director Henderson also unsuccessfully sued his previous university- Sam Houston-because (among other claims) he claimed they prevented him from adjunct teaching (outside employment), but maybe not an issue for him at TSU.    

The Kochs’ have been enormously successful in creating a supersized disparate income inequity between faculty within just one school on campus (SOPA).  If they turn their energies on other schools, they could obliterate TSU.  Rumor is that former President Lane and Provost Harris had their fingers deep in that sweet Koch pie- after all, the Koch money was brought in under the TSU Foundation.  Yes, the same TSU foundation blasted apart by Internal Audit. 

For years we have been vigilant of a PWI takeover of our campus, a merger with UH/UT, but that was the wrong thing to worry about.  We should have been really more worried about Rich White Men of Privilege taking over an HBCU.  That was the real threat now reached fruition. 
It’s much, much worse than a merger.  It’s a muppet show.  Because part of their contract with TSU involving hiring decisions for professors, it means that the Kochs’ can now finally have control over HBCU curriculum and instruction for their indoctrination of Kochs' values and objectives.  The TSU contract calls for 2 professors to be hired directly from CJR. 

All the Kochs’ needed to do was throw their pocket lint at a few weak men and women and they bought an HBCU.   Even CNN, Mayor Turner and DA Kim Ogg seem to have been well fooled.  


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