Kochs, CJR, Police Reform & Mayor Turner? Oh My!

When Mayor Turner set up the police reform advisory committee, there was immediate pushback and criticism, even as recent as September 16, 2020:




In July, the CJR set up their own police reform committee while Director Henderson had been placed on the Mayor’s police reform committee:




While we cannot question the urgency, necessity and desire for police reform, we have to question the potential conflict of interests which exist between the CJR in connection with the Kochs’ and Koch Industries providing supplies to law enforcement as well as the HPD Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed between Director Henderson and the HPD in summer 2018.  Although we cannot verify this document is legally binding, it does appear to be a legitimate agreement between HPD and CJR.


Several questions immediately concerned us upon viewing this MOU-

1)    How is a faculty member (Dr. Henderson) able to sign an agreement between HPD and TSU? (CJR is part of TSU and listed under the School of Public Affairs).    Usually only the President, Provost or possibly General Counsel can make a legally binding agreement such as an MOU between an outside organization and TSU. 

2)    If the Kochs’ have supplied the CJR with $2.7 million for 5 years beginning in 2018 what are the Kochs’ getting out of CJR?  The Kochs’ are well-known neo-conservatives and their politics and presence on many campuses have been criticized, condemned and even involved lawsuits. 

3)    Finally, we are concerned that this MOU, CJR and Kochs’ are part of some type of triangular conflict of interest- 1) Kochs’ supply money to CJR, --> 2) the money comes from selling services and products to law enforcement and CJR (Dr. Henderson) is then appointed on the Mayoral reform committee--> 3) thus potentially creating more shareholder value for Koch Industries for future sales to law enforcement and possibly more money sent back to CJR as a reward. 


We are very, very concerned for the image of our university to be used by the Kochs’ and provide a façade of criminal justice reform through the submissiveness and acquiescence of CJR.  Mayor Turner needs to be very concerned too. 



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