We wonder- will Dean Kieh be replaced very soon? He seems to have completely lost control over his management and leadership of SOPA and needs to prove his authority and competence by screaming at faculty and staff. He also seems to have copied on the Provost, HR and General Counsel. Kieh's own email ironically contradicts his own demand to prevent "mass emails" by CCing HR, Provost and General Counsel. Interestingly enough, Provost James Ward sent a similar email several years ago and was shortly replaced by then President Lane. We do wonder: Does history repeat itself at TSU? We believe so. Thu 1/20/2022 10:48 AM Dear Colleagues, Warm greetings. I trust all is well. I am writing regarding the continuing issue of sending emails En masse : Emails regarding various faculty and staff related issues have been sent to the members of the TSU Board of Regents, President Crumpton-Young, Provost Poats, Senior ...