Who is Kaelynne J. Mason?
In January 2020, a new EMAJ coordinator, Ms Kaelynne J. Mason was hired.
We have questions: 1) According to her CV, she has a Master's of Law in Mediation from Regent University, yet according to the Regents University website, no such concentration exists. Additionally, an L.L.M. degree is a Master's degree AFTER a law degree (J.D.).....but her CV does not show a law degree. It shows a Master's degree (M.A.) in Law, but it is not the same degree as an L.L.M. Yet she has listed herself as having an L.L.M.
2) On her CV, her last job experience was 2 months in 2019 as a service clerk in the Clayton County Sheriff's Office. She also worked in loss prevention at Six Flags for 3 months in 2018 and 14 months with Florida DCF. This does not appear to be relevant job experience for managing an online masters program.
3) She appears to have a second (full time?) job at a nonprofit (Joye Foundation).
We are very deeply concerned- How did she get hired and reportedly without any faculty input at all? As always, our students come first and while we would never disparage anyone's job qualifications, we are very concerned that Ms.
Mason is not the right person for this administrative position, especially with dubious academic qualifications and zero prior experience with managing an academic program.
Our only speculation is that she must have a very good and powerful friend within TSU- her CV shows that she has listed herself as a UNCF Koch Scholar- So perhaps she is connected to someone at the Center for Justice Research (Koch funded center at TSU and lead by Dr. Howard Henderson)?