Is TSU really "ungovernable"?
Perhaps Dr. Mills has it right? TSU really "ungovernable"?
Question: Can we make an unclean situation into a clean one? TSU should be given an opportunity for creative institutional rebirth, but due to historic State underfunding and land-lock developmental constraints the process has been slow. However, God can do anything, but as human beings we can only do some things.
TSU’s historical development is replete with moral confusion and intellectual leadership dishonesty. Hence, TSU is not institutionalizing and advancing its Special Purpose Legislative Designation For Urban Programming for community development, which was granted in 1973. Question: Why does this institutional community development dilemma exist at TSU? No doubt about it, there is enough blame and guilt to go around internally at TSU; including surrounding public school failures, and dysfunctions that must be creatively resolved in conjunction with TSU’s College of Education. Therefore, the internal administrative structure at TSU is morally and intellectually corrupt, not because TSU does not have proper institutionalized policies and procedures documented on paper, but because administrators will not faithfully follow and implement stated policies and procedures.
Too many administrators at TSU do not function effectively in their designated administrative lane (s). If department head administrators do not know how to professionally conduct themselves in a civil manner in administrative meetings, how can we expect their professional colleagues, and students to behave civilly? Example is the best teacher. Recently at TSU, an assault charge was filed against a department head administrator for physically attacking a court appointed process-server: shameful. The administrator is still currently employed at TSU: administrative malfeasance. This situation, in and of itself, is a clear-cut unprofessional integrity example of why TSU is ungovernable due to internal corruption. This in part is due to employment favoritism: who is hired, and how much they are paid.
No doubt about it, TSU is corrupt internally, because favoritism exist in who is hired, who is fired, and salary compensations. All this internal corruption imagery influences and affects the quality, and caliber of students that TSU can attract and recruit. Corruption breeds corruption. Administrative corruption at TSU must be rooted out of the fabric of policy and procedure implementation. In fact, administrative corruption at TSU has transformed the university into a vulgar pay-check system, rather than a community institution building university.
Given the Southern Association’s recent inquiring into the accuracy of data reported to the accrediting agency concerning student enrollment and financial data, TSU is in BIG TROUBLE. There is a dead cat on the line, and it stinks to high heaven. Thus, there is an ole adage: you get what you paid for! However, apparently neither taxpayers, parents nor students are getting what they pay for from TSU: Shame! Shame! Shame! Question: Can TSU be transformed into a viable Communiversity maximizing its Special Purpose legislative Designation? All things are possible with God: asked Gideon who defeated a Philistine Army of thousands with only 300 Godfearing committed soldiers. Or ask David, a Shepherd boy who killed Goliath, a Philistine giant with God, a sling shot, and a pebble. Or ask Joshua who bought down the Walls of Jericho with a trumpet and a great shout unto the Lord! Embracing spiritual stewardship can change TSU if we are willing to say yes to the will and way of God, and love and serve each other in Jesus’ name. Amen!