Problematic Post-Tenure Review Process at SOPA, SOE & SOB?
Looks like several professors in the Schools of Public Affairs(SOPA), School of Education and Jones School of Business are possibly being targeted by their individual Deans and/or the Office of the Provost(?). In at least one school- SOPA post-tenure rules were initially claimed to be approved by Interim Chair Majumdar but this appears to be incorrect and they have not been approved.
From: Majumdar, Sarmistha <>
Sent: Thursday, March 18, 2021 4:28 PM
To: Adams, Michael O <>; Christophe,
Antoinette <>; Ewoh, Andrew
<>; Perez-Feliciano, Luis
<>; Olonilua, Oluponmile O.
<>; Robinson, Carroll
Cc: Kieh, George <>; Majumdar, Sarmistha
Subject: Post Tenure Guidelines
Dear Colleagues,
Hope your day is going well. I would like to keep you all informed that the Post Tenure Guidelines of the Department of Political Science has just been approved by the Provost's office. Please find attached the file with the Post Tenure Guidelines.
Thank you.
Best wishes.
Sarmistha Rina Majumdar, Ph.D.
Interim Chair of Department of Political Science
Professor of Political Science and Public Administration
Strangely enough, despite knowing this…..Dean Kieh, Associate Dean Ewoh, Interim Chair Majumdar appear to be pressuring Dr. Michael Adams to provide his portfolio to them without actually having finalized post-tenure review guidelines in Political Science. Dr. Adams if you recall was forced out of his Interim Chair position last summer –
Rumor has it that Dr. Brooks De Vita resigned rather than send a letter—agreed to unanimously by the University Rank, Tenure, Promotion, and Salary Committee (URTP&S)—to Provost Harris asking him to put a stop to the Post-Tenure review process that a few deans (SOPA, SOE, SOB) had started in their respective schools in violation of the Faculty Manual.
This URTPS letter, the rumor goes, also clarified the order of approval for these faculty guidelines that Provost Harris was apparently not following.
Recall that the Provost was trying to remove Faculty President Wu and Vice President Jackson just recently. It seems that the administration continues to find new ways to try and harass, intimidate and remove faculty they disagree with- bogus Title IX complaints (3 Title IX coordinators in 2020 alone??!!!), fake student complaints, termination for “mass emails” and now post-tenure review policies not agreed upon. If these problems are not originating in the Interim President’s Office…..What is going on in the Provost office???